November 15, 2004

Gravity of Reality, Reality of Gravity.

You learn at/with every step. Very cliché indeed. Yet, every so often occurs an event that makes you stop and take notice.

There are times when you feel that you know what you want; times when you think you have a generous heart and a tolerant mind; times when you think you have a selfless soul and a worthy existence. And then there is a thud and you come crashing to the ground. Your flights of fancy terminated abruptly, and you left all bruised and confused. Whatever happened?, you ask. A collision with reality, comes the reply.

You find yourself face-to-face with a person whose life and actions dwarf your ordinary achievements, whose intensity of thoughts sweeps you off your feet, and whose unflinching will to succeed makes you pave way for his grand passage. He patronises you and you idolise him. You take to him as fish takes to water. He redefines success for you and you acquire a fresh perspective. He harnesses a yet undiscovered energy source within you and you use it to shape your destiny. And then one fine day, you experience an epiphany and decide to try and take off from the clutches of mediocrity one last time, hoping to reach out to the stars with a stretch of your hand.

But gravity sucks. Literally. This time, it doesn't crash you to the ground. It raises the ground to meet you mid-air instead.

And then you realize, that you may run, but you cannot hide.

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